Company directors and Boards have a duty to provide leadership within their organisations for health and safety management. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has published a guide for directors which provides advice on the effective leadership of health and safety.
Investing in corporate governance adds value to the bottom line and improves resilience in uncertain times.
We often say that the best companies to invest in are those that have good corporate governance principles but such measures need to be more than superficial gloss and need to be embedded in the organisation if they are to influence the bottom line. Listed companies are subject to detailed rules on corporate governance which requires significant resources to maintain. However, private companies which are not subject to these rules are increasingly embracing the governance principles as a means of demonstrating good practice to investors, customers and other stakeholders.
Continue reading “Investing in corporate governance adds value to the bottom line and improves resilience in uncertain times.”Can too much corporate governance stifle SMEs?
Corporate governance has been a major topic in recent years following the economic crisis and various financial scandals. For companies it is important to have corporate governance in place to ensure that the management team operates the company in the best interests of shareholders and other stakeholders – for listed companies there are detailed rules to follow.
Continue reading “Can too much corporate governance stifle SMEs?”